
carpe gubernum, suffragium fero
UK and France have both defeated their right wing parties in elections this year. The US needs to get its shit together.
Isn’t a Democrat currently in control?
Of one of our three branches of government, and not the one that writes laws? Yes.
Wasn’t he just given unlimited presidential powers?
You’re proposing the US function as a dictatorship?
It already is. I’m saying if he cared about change he’d use his new powers to make them. He doesn’t cause the real owners of this country don’t want that.
It is a dictatorship of capital.
If all you want is a better dictator you’re not proposing the solution anyone wants except the fascists.
I don’t, I want the land returned to its original stewards and reparations made to the victims of this illegal colonial institution. I want people to understand that begging for heroes keeps us from making the changes necessary to save us from the crisis of capital globally.
That’s good to hear, but your advocating for our president to become a dictator because now he could and you think it might benefit you is some bullsht. A more just and equitable society can only come from the citizenry, not some Good Czar
No, I’m pointing out how absurd this all is, and acting like any of these people are going to do anything to save us is absurd to the point of delusion.
Since I already expect work forever toward a better society that is never perfect, I’m not daunted. You can give up, declare every method of change invalid, and believe no one will ever take your side hard enough. Go ahead and argue there’s no better tomorrow, just not in my replies.
Since I never said any of that I’m going to assume this was meant for someone else, either that or your reading comprehension skills are fried.