
Please do not get confused by those accounts claiming the proposed autumn 2024 booster is already outdated! That is not how your immune system works! It is very dangerous to make such wrong claims. The booster will increase your COVID-19 defences well!
JN.1 is chosen as the variant for this autumn's COVID-19 booster by the FDA´s VRBPAC. PK.2 may have been a better choice. BUT: Any contact with SC2 Spike protein will boost your anti-COVID-19 response. A matching variant is good, but an imperfect match will work well.
I just wish the booster came before the school start covid instead of after
I’m just glad Novavax will be an option this fall. Near zero side effects after getting it last year and will specifically seek it out for 2024-25.
All good! Any of the available vaccines are recommended, they all work well.
Are you able to tell me what sides you had from the mRNA ones? I'm due to get novavax soon as a delayed spring booster.
I have had the original Pfizer mRNA 3x. The first gave me a painfull arm and shoulder, the second nearly nothing, the 3rd a short but unpleasant cytokine storm.
My body for some unknown reason can't handle the immune response elicited. It reactivates loads of viruses in my body causing a relapse for there's months. It's not pleasant. But it is much much better than getting covid. So there is that.
5 x mRNA (Pfizer/Biontech) - each shot had headache, fever, joint swelling, heavy fatigue 7-10 days, one had lymph node swelling, muscle pain in injection arm multiple days 1 x Novavax - minor itch injection arm that was gone within 12 hours, not even a headache
That's great it has fewer side effects and yet it still mounts a good level of protection. Thanks!
There is a group of people, for whatever reason, respond a lot better to Novavax. From what I’ve gathered online, it also seems those who’ve had Long Covid or even LC-like illness do a lot better with Novavax. Really hope it’s an option again in 2024-25.
It is certainly an option, and will be good!
I'm just so pleased I can buy the vaccine I need. The NHS refused to give me novavax last time. So it's nice to be able to buy it. It's also cheaper than the mRNA ones which is good. But hopeful for only a short setback in my long COVID.