
Kids my ass. Rural America didn’t turn red because it was “forsaken” by Democrats. Yes, Dems could do better investing in races in red states, but the exploitation of cultural, racial, and economic grievances by the GOP has a little to do with it.
Opinion | Rural voters don’t trust Biden. Do progressives even care? A constellation of local and state Democrats is seeking to rebuild the rural grass-roots Democratic Party.
Rural districts don’t win elections for democrats. Turnout in higher density locales do.
I’m very tired of WaPo framing
Right? I frown at online urbanist nerds who pretend concrete urbanism is some inherent virtue. But the framing of rural vs urban really falls apart when we are talking about federal program funding. So much of the infrastructure funding the last decade and half really benefits rural life.
Army corp of engineers dredging keeps market access. Highways and school funds, 5G rollout, J waivers for medically underserved communities, etc. There’s only one party that believes in the power of government to make people’s lives better.
Instead of being scared of it - we should campaign on it. There’s no good reason why Brockway PA in 2024 sends fewer proportion of kids to Penn State than it did in 1975. We need to do a better job bridging the access gap.