
Best and most important quote from Monica Pressley. “The proof that Biden is capable of running the country is that he is actually running it”. This needs to be repeated a billion times.
I've been waiting all day for media analysis to mention the biggest Trump mistake in the debate. He claimed the EU gdp and US gdp were the same. Not even close, under Biden, the US economy is more than $9tril greater than the EU. Biden's policies our without contention more effective for Americans.
...instead of a Raskin or a Buttigieg, policy conversations are obliterated by the firehose of psychopathy and lies. The opponent, format and likely ill-suited prep would have defeated most any of us, but especially Joe. And I say that as a sympathetic, fellow dithering old guy.
Biden would have fared better if, early on, he'd said "Tonight, since CNN refuses to do any real-time fact-checking, I will not continue to respond to moderators' questions. I will spend all of my remaining time fact-checking his relentless lies." For a dithering old guy...