
It seems this deputy assistant administrator at the DEA believes that Adderall is basically street meth and, well, someone with that level of ignorance about pharmacology should simply not be employed by the DEA or any other drug-regulating agency.
Didn't read the article but I hope there's a mention of the fact that many more people are (correctly) being diagnosed with ADHD and that probably accounts for increase, not that people are just popping more pills for fun.
Bloomberg spoke to one (1) expert on the subject, who said "uhhhhhhh no that's not how it works," but then Bloomberg just ran with the DEA blather anyway.
It’s worth remembering that Bloomberg himself is famously Prohibitionist, opposes harm reduction, and has funded programs that reduce the efficacy of stop-smoking programs that use harm reduction methods (like inhalable nicotine replacement or vapes or heat-not burn devices.) So, in character.
Not only that but there’s lots of evidence that medication for ADHD reduces the risks of substance abuse.
I look forward to my life becoming more difficult because the government and drug companies can’t get their shit together.
Par for the course for big-ticket "journalism" these days.
That’s true, but it’s also pretty popular on college campuses and in the tech world
Yea and a lot of those users probably have - diagnosed or otherwise - ADHD.