
Martin Luther King Jr. was an “ersatz pastor” and a “communist,” and the 1960s civil rights movement was “crap,” according to Facebook posts by the leading Republican candidate to be North Carolina’s next governor, Mark Robinson.
MLK Was An Inferior Pastor And ‘Communist,’ Said Top GOP Candidate For N.C. In unearthed Facebook posts, Mark Robinson also called the civil rights movement “crap” and vowed to work on MLK Day because he’s “not a leach."
Robinson regularly criticized King and the civil rights movement for years on Facebook ― specifically on MLK Day ― HuffPost found amid a review of his posts. He also downplayed slavery, demeaned the African American community and attacked civil rights icon John Lewis.
A sampling of the kinds of things Robinson wrote on Facebook, specially on MLK Day, over the years. “Hey John Lewis, Just because you got beat up by some Democrats in 1965 doesn’t mean you can’t get criticized by some Republicans in 2017."
What is he referring to when he says Lewis got beat up in 1965? On March 7, 1965, Alabama police officers gassed and brutally beat Lewis and hundreds of other peaceful protesters on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma. "Bloody Sunday" left Lewis with a fractured skull.