
Y’all it’s not automatically grooming when a 30+ year old likes a 24 year old. The issue isn’t solely age predatory behavior…
Some Tik tok folks are like “why would a 25 year old ever date a 50 year old?” And idk because some people find older people attractive…
Also hate how tik tok and twitter dilute the meaning of actually serious words like this. Grooming is something specifically done to children, it’s not just a synonym for manipulation or abusive power dynamics.
Also we have got to stop taking autonomy away from actual adults. 24 years old is not a child!!
It’s so annoying when people are like “they’re a baby!” And it’s a 25 year old. That’s an adult! People are acting like it’s some sin to find 20 year olds attractive when the actual crime is being a weirdo creep about it!
Yeah, infantilizing grown adults is not going to help make them stop making dumb choices, also! Like, idk about you but I did/slept with/dated/whatever a LOT I regret or am at least not proud of when I was 18-early 20s! That’s how we learn!
Old enough to vote, not old enough to fuck - FUCK OFF lmao
It’s also like distracting from the larger point of consent VS non consent. Any sex act is bad when it’s non consensual!!