
You know why the media keeps talking about “how the far right is winning in France”? It’s cuz the left is actually winning. People are fed tf up with chuds and neo libs. But the media won’t tell you that bit. Too bad so many Americans won’t vote third party.
LIVE | Jean-Luc Melenchon Reacts to Trends Which Show Left Winning Most Seats | France A new coalition on the left, the New Popular Front, also poses a challenge to the pro-business French President Emmanuel Macron and his centrist alliance Tog...
For DECADES people been voting for libs and chuds. Over 40 fuckin YEARS! It only gets worse that way. You only get threatened that way. It does nothing but for the rich. Are you a billionaire? A multimillionaire? Maybe don’t try doing the same fkn thing and expecting different outcomes.
Right, it's always like I don't like Democrats, gonna vote for Republicans but I don't like Republicans either, or vice versa. Never think about another choice
The choice to normies is always binary. It’s how they’ve been indoctrinated. Red vs blue. Left vs right. It’s a bullshit paradigm.
I agree, here in Brazil is the same thing. Even my 9 years old boy is repeating the same slogan
I mean, he’s a revisionist but at least you have Lula. He’s leagues above Biden and Trump, and Bolsonaro. lmao.
Absolutely, and I like the fact that he expressess his opinion, makes my work easier when it comes to getting him thinking about different choices. And yes, at least we have Lula for the next 6 years but we have to start working towards his replacement