
Not sure how I got this but didn’t realize Americans had a loonie (Reverse is Jefferson, apparently this was released in 2007)
We've had several! The Susan B Anthony dollar was unpopular because it was difficut to tell from a quarter, so they discontinued it, but it was popular for giving change in certain vending machines. So they issued the Sacagawea dollar coin and the Presidential dollar coin (the one you have).
In Boston, you used to get them as change when you paid in cash at a MBTA fare machine. So many poor souls would buy a couple of trips with a $20 and get like 11 of these back. It was the worst.
Ha that’s just life here though we also have $2 coins
yeah, this is my american showing, but I hate carrying around that many coins
It’s kinda annoying, ha, not my fave either, makes you feel like you have less money. I totally love $1 bills when I visit the US so I think I get it
Yeah, our money is terrible, heh. But it's so hard to change things that people don't perceive as being broken! Me, I'm fond of our $2 bill -- they're extremely rare and many people think they're fake when they see them, lol.
United States two-dollar bill -
I find your money kinda cute ngl, it feels quaint to me cause we’ve got the shiny plastic see thru, holographic kind of bills now
One of my favorite silly party tricks I acquired from working at the restaurant for so long as a child: I can hear a pre-1965 (silver) quarter hitting a hard surface from across the room. It amused my wife once! She tossed a handful of change on the counter and my head snapped up immediately.
"Check the dates on those quarters." "What?" "One of them is a silver quarter, I could hear it." (Sure enough!)
I’d be impressed too
I have *a lot* of silly money tricks that I developed as a kid. I can count out and roll a roll of change in seconds, too. And make change on the fly without a calculator and without any subtraction even though I'm horribly dyscalculaic!
Counting back change is my one and only math skill ...
Me too! When you learn to do it when you're six years old, it sticks, heh.
It's so easy! I teach kids at registers all the time -- I can't add for goodness sakes, but I can count back change.
Exactly! I was working at a large chain bookstore in high school and the registers' change-making ability once broke from a software update. I taught a lot of people how to count back change that night and the manager was like "why has nobody ever taught me this trick"
Nobody has ever taught ME this trick, even though the only multiples my dyscalculia can handle are 5s. So if you remove pennies from the situation I SHOULD get it.
The trick is to count *up* to the next denomination interval. Someone buys something that's $3.81 and hands you $10: you count out pennies to $3.82, $3.83, $3.84, $3.85, a nickel to $3.90, a dime to $4, a dollar bill to $5, a five dollar bill to $10, and now you've matched what they gave you.
If you call out the running total as you go to the customer when you hand them the change, they'll be satisfied that you've given them the correct amount of change even if you have no idea how much money you just handed them.
The really cool thing is that doing it this way results in giving people the fewest coins necessary to make change.
yes! and you always know you gave the correct change even if you have no idea how much money you're handing them!
Speaking as someone who also counts change up because my first job had a cash register that looked similar to this picture and which didn't make change, the only problem is if the customer gives you $10.16 on a $4.66 bill. Then I actually had to do the math to give them the $5.50 back they wanted.