
PS: If Biden's looking for a way to revive his candidacy, he should pack the Court immediately, framing it as a post-Jan. 6th nat'l security measure and a reclamation of executive powers SCOTUS has unconstitutionally usurped. People should press him to do that, if they're any more awake than he is.
(I think Biden should step aside, but if he's too pigheaded to do that, a good way to counteract the "feebleness" narrative would be to actually flex some power in this constitutional crisis.)
"Pack the Court immediately" ... how?
It's true that having 9 SC seats is, theoretically, not set in stone, but even *with* the fact that the Republicans ended the Supreme Court confirmation filibuster power in 2017, getting even a bare 51 votes in the senate for such a radical change would be impossible given the current composition
and for fuck's sake... Biden had a cold on the night of the debate. It was obvious. It was also what his campaign acknowledged midway through the debate. He's fine. There are some legit gripes surrounding his handling of the I/P conflict but overall his presidency has been quite good.
His candidacy is fine. He's not my favorite choice in an ideal world but if you wanted someone else, that decision had to be made ages ago.
Hi! Much of my feed (including the thread you replied to) addresses this question. Here are some other relevant threads: I can see there's a lot we agree on, so hope we find some common ground here.
I'm still deeply annoyed that we had a presidential commission do a 300 page report on state of the judicial branch in 2021 and then it was archived and Democrats never talked about it again.