
Navigating downtown Toronto is a tutorial in 19th century British Prime Ministers and battles
you can figure out when some parts of the city were developed by the street names. In this small screen cap of the west end, we have Jellicoe Ave, Gort Ave, Foch Ave, Lloyd George Ave, Enflied Ave, etc. Jutland Rd is not far from here either.
Gort has an avenue? I shouldn’t say anything. Every two bit brigade commander in the Army of the Potomac seems to have a statue in DC.
No hate for Fat Boy Gort here
He was an excellent guv in Malta. The Maltese gave him an award for courage and honour.
Gort features in an interesting way in my current research. He was GSO1 to the Shanghai Defence Force, assembled and deployed in 1927. Did very well, including under fire and briefly as hostage. Tyrwhitt, C-in-C China Station, rated him very highly and complained when the WO rotated him home.
He has my respect for the way he conducted himself in Malta. He assumed no privilege for himself. He died of liver cancer, poor soul. He was only 59.
Gort did not excel in the C-in-C role in France in 1940 and made some mistakes but the disaster was largely the product of larger forces outside his control and his decision-making May 21-28 probably saved the BEF from destruction (which would have lost us the war imho).
It really wasn’t his fault that the army’s comms were crap.
I was always struck by Alanbrook's assessment of Gort: "I do wish he [Dill] was C-in-C instead of Gort. He has twice the vision and ten times the ability. Gort's brain has lately been compared to that of a glorified boy scout!"
Dill was a rockstar. His grave is one to visit if you get to Arlington. His friendship with Marshall was certainly a key to his success in America, but more than that, he was a smart, practical thinker. And a good ally.
Brilliant in his liaison role with the Americans. But a poor match with Churchill as CIGS temperamentally.
It’s hard to imagine anyone other than Brooke dealing with Churchill.
I think Churchill had enough self-awareness to realize that he needed someone who could see through his bullshit.
I don’t think the nation was ready to see his wife appointed CIGS.