
I think the point is that if the events of the weekend go like the debate, he will drop. If they don't, he won't. Don't you think that's the meaning?
Yes, but the controlling inner circle might just foist heavily edited versions upon us, and then we won't really know how bad it is. Plus, not a debate. Plus plus, another debate in September unavoidable, at which point, any damage remediation accomplished since 1st debate could be undone. Then WASS
If you're of the view that ABC is going to publish a "heavily edited" version of the interview George Stephanoupolis as spin/cover for him at this stage you haven't been paying attention lol
It's pretty self-explanatory
Well, I dont spend a lot of time trying to understand what ABCs general take is, but the Stephanopolous bootlicking Trump interview a few years back wasnt great IIRC. I just wonder at this point if Biden's handlers wouldnt try to manage this a certain way.