
Texas started busing migrants to DC in April 2022, and Arizona followed suit that May. Many migrants who came on those very first buses STILL don't have work authorization. Without it, folks struggle to find stable work and are susceptible to exploitation and wage theft. 🧵
As cities struggle to house migrants, Biden administration resists proposals that officials say The Biden administration has been reluctant to grant migrants in New York and other cities legal status due to concerns about lawsuits and a spike in border crossings, sources told CBS News.
We have been welcoming migrants arriving in the District for 16+ months and the question we keep getting is - how do I get a work permit? Applying for asylum is not easy. Many migrants miss their one year deadline b/c they have no one to support them with the app. 2/7
No asylum application means no work permit. It is such a profoundly terrible decision to not allow people to work when they enter the country. The only reason for the government to keep this policy is to provide businesses with an unprotected, easily exploitable work force. 3/7
The Biden administration needs to fix this. In the interim, DC and other cities need to develop strong welcoming & resettlement infrastructure. Unfortunately, in DC, Mayor Bowser & her agencies continue to treat migrants like they're here temporarily instead of as residents. 4/7
Asylum-seekers face numerous obstacles at the federal and local level. In DC, NY, Chicago, Denver, and more, the community has been ready to welcome folks since day one, it is about time government caught up. 7/7