
The Bridal Party is a romantasy, taking the historical premise of a bridal party (to ward off exes, rivals, and evil spirits) to its logical next step: what if bridesmaids and groomsmen were mercenary fighters? What if they were a bunch of queer weirdos hired by an attractive lord with A SECRET?
OMG OMG OMG Jason has been reworking the cover for The Bridal Party. The old one kept getting mistaken for a historical novel and people kept getting weirded out by the queer werewolves and demons and fairies and Bjorn. I just saw it and I am so. excited. Maybe he’ll let me share?
And what if the Maid of Honor, a jaded badass with knives, broke her own code and fell in love with that Lord With A Secret? It’s full of references to mythology and folklore, it’s bi4bi, it’s a loosely veiled disability story, and it’s full of assholes trying their best.
It’s also my first adult book, has seventy two instances of the word fuck, and is (strangely) a favorite of my mother-in-law’s.
Ohhh you know what, one is the hardcover and the other is the paperback. I’m not sure why it isn’t just listed as another format.