
The $40,000 that Marion steals is worth about $425,000 today. Just fyi.
Also, it's in my contract that I'm not allowed to mention Psycho, ever, without celebrating the great Pat.
You know, that makes the film make a lot more sense. I just watched it for the first time and was thinking, “$40k is a lot, but they’re acting like it’s radioactive cash.”
I hope that you enjoyed it. It rewards multiple viewings, I can safely say having probably watched it fifty times or more.
Omg I loved it. Been on a Hitchcock filmography kick after getting COVID and watching Criterion Collection films while half dead led me to The Man Who Knew Too Much.
I hope that you're nicely on the mend. If you've yet to watch Sabotage (also known as The Woman Alone, as you can see), it's an absolute corker, and I think it tends to get overlooked.
Going on the list. Thanks!
Jumping on to advocate for Shadow Of A Doubt, which has been supplanted by Vertigo (rightly) over the last few decades as the critics' consensus favorite... but it's a heck of a second place!
Screenplay by Alma Reville (Mrs. Hitch, to be sure), Sally (Meet Me in St. Louis) Benson, and Thornton (Our Town) Wilder. What an amazing combo (and an amazing film, yes indeed).
i love this film beyond all reason, it's just a perfect mix of family drama/dynamics and character study and suspense
Shadow of a Doubt is a masterpiece. My favorite Hitchcock film is Dial ‘M’ for Murder.