
Allow me once again to invite you to consider how journalists would be covering & framing the politics of an economy with 39 straight months of job growth, 3.8% unemployment, these actual real wage/income gains, & inflation within 0.5% of target, if a Republican President were in the White House
What the Upper-Middle-Class Left Doesn’t Get About Liberal politicians and economists don’t seem to recognize the everyday harms of rising costs.
I guarantee you, if Ronald Reagan were overseeing this recovery & these real wage/income gains, you would not be getting article after article claiming that the good economy is a problem for him & Republicans are out of touch because the BLS inflation data don't capture real folks' lived experience
"Why does everybody think the national economy is so terrible & everyone is Suffering From Inflation™️?" 🤔🧐🤷‍♂️ "It must be the out-of-touch upper-middle-class liberals"
Rate of inflation (on the right of the chart) for the entirety of the so-called “Reagan Boom,” versus Biden. ‘22 was brutal, to be sure, but was a high-growth year and inflation was successfully reduced to a tick above long-term historical rates.