
The video for Polymar is pretty good & there isn't much more to say about it past that. Audio is Japanese 5.1 & 2.0 w/ some really solid booming audio. Subtitles have been improved over existing ones used for a few screenings. A few screenshots of the video.
A wide selection of extras on Hurricane Polymar: A couple of trailers & a longer promo A 37 minute long making-of feature The intro & Q&A from the Premiere (36 minutes over two extras) Director Koichi Sakamoto teaches you Hurricane Kenpo, the martial art he designed for the film
Hurricane Polymar is a fun toku film & a great one to enjoy whether you're just starting out or a longtime toku fan. Good battles, fun characters & humor, from Koichi Sakamoto, one of the greats of toku directing & stuntwork.