
These people have an impoverished idea of what dignity means. For a start, if you’re incapable of work because of disability, are you leading an undignified life? We all rely on other human beings. We’re a social species. It’s just the bonds of reliance look different at different times of life.
So, sure I pick up a wage, yay me. But I’m reliant on the teachers at local schools to look after my kids so I can work. I’m reliant on the bus and train drivers to take me to sites, and all the complex infrastructure of the state that makes transit possible. It’s just the dependence is indirect.
How dare you not be an island! Where is your self-respect?
I wonder how dignified it is for Starmer to receive more in a year in free football tickets than I earn from work? Do those not count as 'handouts' Kier? What about the £16k donation of 'work clothes'?
The time to talk about dignity and pride is when *everyone* is safe and secure and has the basics for survival.
There can never be dignity in destitution.
No doubt if Labour had a Rees-Mogg analogue they'd be arguing how Diogenes only needed his barrel right about now.
I'm sure if anyone points out the hypocrisy it will be dismissed as 'the politics of envy'.
Unless it were someone else who is a currently sitting MP - but they all benefit from the same things he does, so none of them ever speak out against it, and round and round we fucking go.
There's a handful of MPs who claim virtually no expenses and one or two who only take an average worker's wage but unless it was one of them...
I was meant to be standing in this election for the Greens here until I resigned from the party (I'd been formally selected as the PPC), and one of my main things was going to be a promise to give two thirds of the MP's salary to charities in the constituency.
Absolutely agree. It strikes me that establishment figures deciding who gets to have dignity (according to their own measure) is a tool of oppression, especially when they exclude people who lack security and the basics for survival
Straight back to the deserving and underserving poor, yeah.
Kate, I think you espouse my sentiments exactly (in so many ways) and are rapidly a favourite account here.
Awww, thanks Willow 🥰
Stop now, you'll make me blush.
Blush away, if anyone asks you can put it down to the heat 😉