
i have a friend who has a lot of anxiety and often calls me before events (work shifts, dates, meetings, etc) that set anxiety off. but on more than one occasion if i share that i'm currently struggling with my health i get told this "isn't helpful [to me right now]" and the call ends.
Yeah, friendships where it's mostly take (rather than give and take) don't tend to last in my experience.
i'm just so desperate for real friends that i can share with that i get blinded, plus I have an innate inability to turn away those who "need help" because of anxiety or terrible workplace conditions or awful relationships or whatever
Yeah, that's fair. Nothing wrong with wanting people you can talk to/having empathy for people, still gotta make sure to look out for yourself so people don't take advantage of your kindness.
i'm disabled, i just have so little to offer people that i often overextend what i can offer. and my disability is drastically worsening lately so the impulse to counter that grows
Well, I think you are enough as you are and if people can't accept you as you are, that's their problem. Not yours. Also, all the more reason to take care of yourself.