
It's also a bit breathtaking to see the sheer amount of power the Republican judiciary has arrogated to itself this term, all without a single act of Congress
Deciding what's an "official act"? SCOTUS decides Deciding what a statute means if Congress doesn't over-specify? SCOTUS decides Deciding that specific statutes of limitations provided by Congress don't apply? SCOTUS decides
What ethics rules apply to justices? SCOTUS decides What Congressional oversight applies to justices? SCOTUS decides The list goes on, and on, and on
We get to live under our one federal monarch, aided by his 9 earls or dukes or whatevertf mini-monarchs used to be called in the Dark Ages
I'm old enough to remember when it was the libs who were the judicial activists
We were a better country because of it!
My favorite game is running down the list of Republican "pillars" through the years: - Big Tent Party, everyone is welcome - Party of Limited Government - The Moral Majority - The Party of Personal Responsibility - The Law & Order Party
They are only activist judges when they don't rule how we want. They are noble saviors of our white godfearing nation when 1 fuck in TX can impose his bible thumping bullshit on everyone.
and they will spend the rest of their lives making us pay for it
lib judicial activism: human rights exist fedsoc judicial activism: