
thinking about taking the lads to the oregon country fair next week but idk if they'd be delighted or terrified
I'll put a vote in for "delighted," kids love a magical landscape and OCF delivers on that, but it's a big day trip from the Portland area even without kids. At least the weather is cooling off just in time.
right the long drive is my main concern, they're really good in the car and usually just sleep but i'm hesitant to screw up nap schedule that much. my folks live near philomath tho and we could do an overnight there to break it up
That would be the play, IMO. The good news is that even just a few hours goes a long way, so you could go early and duck out before it gets hot and dusty. Then again, I've been camping out there for something like 15 years so I'm a pusher lol.
my friend is on a non-working SO pass with lantern crew and i'm going to ask if they can help me figure out a good quiet spot for a nap outside the 8 they can help spirit the boys off to. they're not gonna nap on the parade route. but it we can nap at White Bird or something we'll do it
oh good plan! I assume security won't be dicks about infants without wristbands. Also, the big new meadow area (Xavanadu) usually has some quiet shady spots to chill at in a pinch.
it's been a few years since i went- do you remember how uneven the terrain is generally in the 8 and in the parking fields? i'd be pulling the lads in their wagon and while i've definitely pulled wagons of camping gear out there before this is a little more delicate. is it gravel? compact earth?
compact earth, pretty smooth mostly, wagons are extremely common. You even see couples partying at night with their tiny ones somehow snoozing in little covered wagons lmao