
Comics of the mid-14th century! Here's a straightened-out, lighter version if you wanna check out more details... ( h/t ) I hope most now find it obvious that this is the same art form as the latest X-Men—not an easy sell when I wrote Understanding Comics in 1993.
Early European sequential art. "Thirty Bible Stories," mid-14th century, anonymous Veronese artist (Museo del Castelvecchio, Verona)
The late David Kunzle's landmark book THE EARLY COMIC STRIP was a primary source for me when it came to such examples, although Kunzle felt the art form was best defined in conjunction with print, so he began about a century later.
[note on the ALT text: I wrote "gold leaf" but I don't know if that's technically true. The paint *appears* gold, but I don't know if any actual gold was used ]
(Medievalist here. Yes on the gold. Different applications for different effects, but yes gold).