
It did though. History books are your friend.
Got this history book in front of me right here- turns out you’re wrong
You sound one book and that prepared you, of what? That Palestinians were sovereign?
Modern sovereignty is a new concept most places Germany wasn’t sovereign or Italy until relatively recent times- but Palestine has had geographic nationhood both within empires and independently for 4000 years
In addition the modern inhabitants of Palestine prior to the British mandate (including the Jewish ones) are the most similar genetically to those from the Iron Age- so while indigenity does not arise from genetics- the idea that these are newcomers to the land is absurd
Palestinians have not called themselves a nation until the late 1960s. But they've been on the land, storming from the day, for about 1500 years. Does your first claim mean no decolonization movements are valid?
That’s not true. Neither statement is true.
Palestinians have ties to the land that predate Biblical “history”
But they aren't indigenous, that's the point.
Palestinians are absolutely indigenous to the land of Palestine
You can’t just wish away people who have 4000+ years of cultural ties to the land they are on just because you do a selective reading of history and decide that various rulers somehow strips them of those ties- even though they remained generally the same people
In addition Indigenous is a political concept that is tied deeply to the impact that settler colonialism has on the people of an area- and specifically those colonial methods that arise after 1491.
I know you think you know some special thing that everyone is overlooking- but actually you’ve been taught a very predictable form of propaganda that does not tie into actual history or scholarly consensus on terms. The reason you’ll struggle here is because your views aren’t based in reality.
They exist to push a political project and they have adapted over the 150ish years of this project to push different histories and terms as it suits the project
When colonialism was popular- Zionism was an openly colonial project, in order to cater to Christian Zionists it became less of a secular movement and one based in biblical “history” and most recently its tried this “we are indigenous” argument. But what it’s always been is settler colonialism.
This is why I think I mentioned to op that learning about Jews from Jews is a better idea than wherever you got this dreck from.
You sunny think learning about Jews from Jews is a good idea? Please explain.
Sure- will Herzl, Menachem Begin and Shlomo Sand work? Because I can send many many more Jewish sources (both Zionists and anti Zionists) who back up these political choices
None of this is hidden history all three of these choices were openly discussed
All of this is just cherry picking and the nature of decolonization by indigenous people. Are you for or against real life decolonization by indigenous people? Is your answer even slightly different for Jews than for others?
Zionism is not and has never been a decolonization movement- it’s literally always been a colonization movement- words have meaning and you sound silly.