
The best thing to happen yesterday (a low bar to clear but still) was a dog named Peanut Butter winning a game of SNES Ken Griffey Baseball in under 30 minutes at the Games Done Quick convention -- in a 12th inning walkoff, no less. (I've cued it, but it starts around 31:10.)
Ken Griffey Jr. Presents MLB by Peanut Butter the Dog & JSR_ in 29:48 - Summer Games Done Quick Runner introduction starts at 0:01Run starts at 2:05Commentary is provided by Gruntiatus, SpikeVegeta, and ThreachLanaruse is hostThis speedrun was recorded ...
When this came on last night it lined up with my and my wife’s ’decompress with some Frazier’ so I didn’t get to watch it live, so I appreciate you sharing the link to help spare me having to hunt it down!
My wife and one of my kids love GDQ so we all gathered around my iPad to watch the whole run live.
My wife doesn’t get how I can sit around and watch other people play video games, and I can’t blame her, but when GDQ week rolls around I typically have it up and running in the background (or foreground) as much as possible.