
I love my gf so much but i worry she does not love me as much as i love her. socially shes the most autistic person ive ever seen and she does Not talk abt her feelings ever so it’s hard to understand her brain
she came out as aroace to me like a month ago and said she was scared it was gonna change the relationship :( i assured her it wouldnt but it’s got me thinking,,, she has a hard time interpreting her feelings what if she Actually Doesn’t Love Me
we’ve known each other for nearly six years and i love her to death .we were best friends before we started dating But im scared she does Not actually like me. i think its the bpd i fear
Do you want me to respond with advice?
Me and my partner worked it out to where we reassure each other more. It helped.
We even say “I love you, I wont leave you. Im just upset ” in arguments. Ways to convey “hey this fight is Temporary and our love is forever”
this helps a lot thank u :( ill talk to her abt it
I’m autistic and had to learn to be more vocally assuring and I have demand avoidance sort… so it was hard. But it was worth it when I got it down for my partner to have less anxiety.