
I’m just saying if you want to take the material in a new direction stop being such cowards about it
Mike D: Hey doll Adrock: Merry doll MCA: Ring a ding dillo Mike D: Ring a dong, hop a long, fa la the All: WILLOW
100% would be better than whatever the hell was happening last season. Beastie Boys dressed up as trees jumping out of the woods with a boombox while Goldberry throws down some cardboard and does headspins in the background
Bilbo Baggins had a mithril SHIRT He gave it up to FRODO so he wouldn’t get HURT When he left to throw the ring into Mount Dooms hot FIRE On his back was the WORTH of the WHOLE DAMN SHIRE
The markings on the band have begun to FADE The writing which at first was as clear as red FLAME Samwise in the bushes just about to YELL A secret that now only the fire can TELL