
If for whatever reason ,,Joe withdraws and replaced by whoever,the media will go after whoever the Democrats chose to replace Joe, as that would generate a lot of ratings for the media !!!
Good point-especially as I see Trump is already going after Harrison. Dems need to stop the msm interviews attacking Biden. Notice how the GOP has gone quiet. They are letting the msm and dems do the GOP dirty work. Dems must unify and stand strong together.
Harris. Spell check must have been channeling the Beatles šŸ™„
Lolol I thought you were referring to Jaime Harrison the chair of the DNC. Either way, they must be stopped. I'm going to find the emails for MSM & start bombarding them with the question; why haven't the GOP asked a convicted felon, rapist, fraudster idiot to drop out & bring forth a replacement?
I'm on the same page as you. Time to send emails to the msm. Report fairly rather than biased. Forgot who, but a person I follow said there were nearly 150 articles related to Biden and the debate and under 100 on Trump and the debate. Seems unbalanced.
I saw that too! It's so maddening. Can't picket so I'll send emails. I found these to try 1st: NBC: [email protected] ABC: [email protected] CBS: [email protected] CNN: [email protected] FOX: [email protected] We'll see if the bastards reply!
They won't reply. If many of us do this, can it be totally ignored? Besides, doing nothing seems worse.