
Kim Davis 2.0. If the Court carves religious exemptions for government employees, you better hope the state actor from whom you need a permit, or a divorce decree, or a protective order, or a driver license, etc. doesn't think people like you are sinners who don't deserve equal treatment.
Texas Supreme Court Justices Friday ruled that a Waco judge who had refused to officiate same-sex marriages had a right to sue the State Commission on Judicial Conduct for reprimanding her.
Texas justices back Waco judge who refused same-sex In a slew of rapid-fire decisions Friday, the Texas Supreme Court sided with a Waco judge who had been reprimanded for refusing to officiate same-sex marriages.
It maybe sounds unfair if you don't think about it very hard, but when you take a government job you now work for everyone and your own crises of conscience have to take a back seat to your duty to treat all equally. If you don't like that, you don't have to work in government!