
I had a chat with the conservative mom of a friend today. We talked about a bunch of stuff and I learned several interesting things, among them, that religious conservatives are often PRO-CHOICE AND THINK THE SUPREME COURT IS INSANE. Run on Dobbs. Run on justices and court reform. Do it.
Organizers got enough signatures to put a measure protecting abortion on the ballot in Arkansas. In *Arkansas*. They had *no national support*. Ignore the pundits melting down over not being treated as Very Special Boys. Dobbs has fundamentally changed elections. Everything they know is wrong.
Arkansas abortion rights groups collect enough signatures to advance ballot A measure to enshrine abortion rights in the ruby red state’s constitution is now one step closer to making the November ballot — but major obstacles remain.
It depends on the person. Sometimes, they don't understand that "abortion " is a catchall term for procedures that are necessary for miscarriages, inutero deaths, ectopic pregnancies, stillbirths, and inutero abnormalities in which the fetus can't be carried to term. It's 30% of pregnancies.
We did at least agree on the fact that almost every abortion that occurs after a certain amount of time is a wanted pregnancy experiencing a complication.
That's correct information. Very few abortions are for unwanted pregnancies. That's is still between a woman and her medical team. As Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau once said, "There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation."