
Curious & sad that , after being active on here for a while, about a month ago went back to posting on ex-Twitter. Wonder how many other accounts, not obviously aligned to the low ideology of that site's owner, have gone back there because, OMG the virality is so much better.
I'm not posting much currently on either site, and I certainly find X depressing and, sometimes, more than I can stomach. But there's little engagement on Bluesky, and what there is, is mostly from the same small coterie of US academics. For all its many faults, X has a vastly wider reach.
Thanks for responding, and you're right. I never had reach over there, so it cost me nothing to come and have none here. But I don't think there will be any major migration away from ex-Twitter unless (or as I think, until) it collapses financially under the debt he's heaped upon it.