
Happy Pride Month, y’all! So, this Pride Month, to keep with the spirit of its queer liberation, each day I’m going to add a post or few to this thread focusing exclusively on queer Palestinians. Y’all means all and that includes Palestinians Queer Liberation includes Palestinian Liberation 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉
First post is going to be a GoFundMe of a Palestinian and his boyfriend and their respective families’ trapped living in a tent in Gaza Their identity is protected for obvious safety reasons, but the GoFundMe’s Donation are protected so it’s zero risk for donators 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉
HELP OUT A QUEER FRIEND IN GAZA, organized by Jonathan Le Hi, my name is Jonathan and I made this fundraiser to raise money for a queer friend… Jonathan Le Blanc needs your support for HELP OUT A QUEER FRIEND IN GAZA
Here is another master list of resources for queer solidarity. Remember, y’all means all. All includes Palestinians 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉
Queer Solidarity with Palestine: Resource
Also, esims are still greatly needed so we can stay in contact with our Palestinian queer siblings and their families. Keep in mind just because someone isn’t openly LGBTQIA, doesn’t mean they’re cishet. It’s not our place to police any Palestinian 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉
eSims For
A Palestinian Lesbian from Gaza need helps covering the costs of resettling after having to flee Israeli apartheid and occupation of Palestine. Her identity is protected by her own request for her own safety and security 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉
Help Palestinian Lesbian Resettle, organized by L A Palestinian Lesbian from Gaza in need of mutual aid to cover costs for resettling. They are a … L A needs your support for Help Palestinian Lesbian Resettle
Heartbreaking messages from Queering The Map Don’t let Israel fool you. They have harmed and killed countless of our queer siblings. Queer people live everywhere. 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉
Rami is his code name to protect his identity, but Rami fled both an abusive family and the Israeli apartheid regime to seek refuge in Türkiye. He is a young Gazan man who is HIV+ and needs help with treatment and staying safe. 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉
Help Queer Palestinian Seek Asylum & HIV Treatment, organized by Sanad Help Queer/Gay Palestinian Seek Asylum & HIV Treatment Hey everybody … Sanad Q needs your support for Help Queer Palestinian Seek Asylum & HIV Treatment
A wonderful article written by Dorgham Abusalim that counters Israeli pinkwashing head on 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉
The Real Oppressors of Gaza's Gay Community: Hamas or Israel? Palestine Square
Another wonderful article breaking down Israeli pinkwashing and how Israel isn’t the bastion of LGBTQIA+ rights it paints itself as. It is written by Musa Shadeedi and translated by Hiba Moustafa 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉
In Fear of Gay’za: Zionism vs. Queer-Palestinian عربي Words by Musa ShadeediImages by Mothanna Hussein Translated by Hiba Moustafa The settler colony of Israel launched its massacre of the civilian population of Gaza Strip over a month ago. …
So, no MA today, because I haven’t heard back yet from specific people seeking their consent in their Mutual Aids being included in this thread. Consent is very important to me, and I don’t want to include anyone without explicit permission. Instead, I’ll be recommending a graphic novel 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉