
In case after case, the Supreme Court has whispered, “We’ll hold off to see whether Donald Trump finds his way back into office,” even as the justices acted — repeatedly — to make that possible, if not more likely. From —>
The spinelessness of John Chief Justice John Roberts doesn't want to lead. He is, though, carefully setting up a path to allow the right-wing court to respond to whatever comes its way in 2025.
Time and time again, Chief Justice John Roberts made clear that this SCOTUS term was a term of contingent planning, leaving open two paths depending what happens with the election. wrote all about it at Law Dork:
It would be foolish to not put this front and center for the American public with examples that will impact everyone’s health, well being, and pocketbooks. Don’t know where in the world the Democratic Party is though. They’re literally nowhere to be found
He’s not spineless, he’s a fascist