
Also they inexplicably REALLY want to target me at the moment. I've got a flood of the usual suspects following me for the last few weeks. Complete with the "hi how are you?" DMs that if you answer they immediately go into "i am finishing up a commission for a client would you like one?"
I dunno why people keep claiming "Bluesky is dead" The fake Furry commission/artist bots seem to be here so I'd say this place must be doing well enough to attract them
You know the kind. Profile has only existed for a few days or a week, random reposts of furry art, a mess of a description that claims they're a furry artist, anime artist, a vtuber, etc. A few posts they claim are their art but the styles are wildly inconsistent. Not AI inconsistent but... still
Oh and the plastering of a "PREVIEW" watermark on 90% of their supposed "art". Plus... always referring to the supposed commissioner as a "client" instead of @'ing them or mentioning the commissioner's name or whatnot. It's the same song and dance that's so bloody obvious.
... so far I haven't encountered one here that has posted a piece of art I recognize or from an artist I know of as "their work". Saw it happen on Twitter though from a scammer/bot who's banner they stole from PeaceWolf. Which was hilarious to see. Good luck with that one friendo.