
I've believed for a while that writers who go on about the power of stories are telling a self-serving lie. Just how self-serving can be seen in how the chap who told us fiction teaches us empathy can't understand consent, power dynamics, basic human decency. Literature is an amazing product of
whatever it is that makes us human. It's not fundamental to us in the way people who claim 'we are made of stories' try to make out.
You can read every myth ever written and more than 2/3 of the imaginative literature in existence and still be a shitty little careerist who only cares about his bank balance, his career, and his prick. Stories are what we tell. Behaviour is who we are.
It's important to remain humble about oneself and your contributions. Most professions seem to fall prey to self aggrandizement, but writers have their own particularly potent elixir. I find it rather nauseating. People with no moral compass will always find it easy to pretend for profit & success
People who make stories for a living are going to bang on about how stories are vital. People who make baked beans will do likewise. I love stories & baked beans, but I have never believed that either of them is what makes me human.
Perhaps through stories we are the best version of ourselves; the people we want to be... This about the NG thing? Not fully made up my mind, but something can be legal and still dodgy.
im like 90% sure this one scene from game of thrones ended up being so infamous because it tried to randomly lean onto that trope as the conclusion to its story in a way that exposes how shalllow it is (apologies for cursed inspirational quote format)