
i have such a tough time with these euphemisms. in the US the “not ideal” outcome involves complicity in genocide, it’s not like people are asking for MoviePass back.
I was born in the Eisenhower administration. Voting for US Pres *always* involves complicity in genocide, it's a given. Voting (or not-voting) to enable Trump definitely gets *more* genocide, voting Democrat *might* get less genocide. A sucky equation, but that's the hand we're dealt.
I'm really not sure what about this is hard for people to grasp
I’ve spent so many elections voting against, I just want one where I’m voting FOR, as a treat
i KNOW, believe me! u can think of it as voting FOR Lina Khan continuing at the FTC, or FOR moving to renewable energy, or FOR reforming SCOTUS, or FOR supporting Ukraine, or FOR giving a shit about queer people. or you can get your treat in a local election
Oh, I do. I vote so hard for funding local libraries and fire departments, believe me. But goddamnit, voting at the federal level just sucks all the time
my point wasn’t to vote or not but just that it bums me out to see people handwave principled anti-genocide as wanting ponies or needing things to be ideal, which you are very much not doing so i have no problem with your point
what a lot of us olds are trying to say is that it's time for principled anti-genocide activists like yourself to pivot to emphasizing, especially to your fellow youths, that you need to *actively* support the less genocidal of 2 evils
yea u have totally lost the plot. u don’t have to support any amount of genocide. watch me not
lemme try again. Voting in the general isn't about supporting all their policies. Remember what I said about "with USA u get genocide"? u vote to work *toward* what u want--& right now, voting against the GOP is (part of) working against fascism, & against expanded genocide