
If you don't love grandpa's "remarks" hard enough, you're a wReCkEr lol
The real villains are the equivocators, out here being uncertain and whatnot
I laughed so incredibly hard when I saw this and thought about those deranged-ass libs like that guy:
I was actually mad at her in 2016 for supporting Bernie. I would send her an apology but she hears enough from lunatics as it is
Wow, unironically bold of you to admit that. It takes guts to admit when you were wrong. Bravo.
I mean, most of what I don’t like about Hillary now is how she handled defeat. Being indifferent between her and Trump in 2016, even if you hated her, still seems naive. But the fact that Democrats continue to scapegoat apostates like Sarandon is much more of a problem than Sarandon ever was
I personally made bets on the premise Hillary would win I overestimated the electorate & was wrong, but I also live(d) in Texas, so it doesn't matter how I vote(d) She also spit in the eye of the left, meddled with the DNC, & elevated Trump Biden's campaign learned these lessons (mostly)
But, I still have to blame youth voters for not voting in the primary, boomer libs for falling for MSNBC propaganda, the Dem establishment for getting everyone to drop out & coalesce behind Biden before Super Tuesday, Warren for staying in, & everyone who gaslit us on Biden's cognitive decline
Say what you will about it, but a Bernie Sanders admin would not be taking all this SCOUTS shit lying down like Biden has He's also not senile & woulda crushed that debate In 2020 under the botched pandemic, a ham sandwich coulda beat Trump & the Dems picked the worst available option God dammit
I think all of the 2020 options except Bloomberg would have been better in some way. The DNC would have self immolated before they let Bernie get the nomination. Of courseβ€”who would have absolutely rocked Trump in 2016? JR Biden
Agree - I forgot Bloomberg was a thing for a sec. Disagree, if it were like Trump/2016/RNC, they would have had to accept it. Unfortunately, the will was not strong enough to overcome the rigging. Agree I guess? At least he tried to pretend to want the leftist vote. Hillary told us to piss off
Biden was never Mr Diplomacy when it came to the youths. I just think that he would have come into 2016 riding high on Obama popularity, he was still verbal, and he could have overpowered Trump in terms of cranky old man strength
That was at the beginning of the primary Once he actually got the nomination, he tried to appeal to Bernie voters & that's why he adopted $15/hr & public option (lied) - both of which HRC called "a pony" & proudly declared "would NEVER come to pass!" She didn't make a single policy concession