
Now that photos can search text, I looked up “Bruenig.” I only found 10 screenshots, that I tweeted about at the time, but a couple are doozies. Let’s start with maybe the canonical example of how her “leftism” coexisted with what I’ll call a soft forced birth position.
One of the difficulties with reciting the ways the Bruenigs suck shit is that a lot of it was on Twitter, and they would regularly delete all of their tweets to make it difficult to verify the ways they were awful outside of consulting some weird freaks who kept unsettling logs of screenshots.
I like this one because it makes short work of the idea that she’s a great thinker.
Defense of Susan Sarandon combined with a glee at the (false, as it turns out) prediction that Dems were going to get crushed in the midterms. Fun stuff.
This one, you’ll note, is just “rotating villain” wearing a dress and saying “tee hee”
This one makes me think so many things but I can’t really top wrapping it up with “ideally the lord”
the number of people on the right who seem to have decided that the solution to people not voting for their policies is "just have a king lol" is pretty worrying
I thought this was a "leftist" till the last line.
Somehow making Plato Worse
freshman philosophy students the world over said it couldn't be done, but the wise know: opinion columnists can make *anything* worse
She's on to something. It's definitely not like we have a history of holy wars based on divine right to rule or anything.
We keep holding elections and the lord keeps abstaining
Do they mean their chosen god? Automatically assuming monotheistic, single-religion/single sect state? Trial by battle, where the winner has been "chosen by god"?!
I'd say fuck that bearer of a pair of X chromasomes (putative), but I also remember that Corporal Slater said to never put your cock in anyone crazier than you are. Consigning someone with serious mental illness to fuck her is cruel and inhumane.
she is truly a suburban Fort Worth evangelical
oh my god she went to the same HS as the guy who founded TOMS shoes
Even worse, suburban Fort Worth Trad Cath convert.
Hahahahahahahahaha, I KNEW I recognized this take. I had a friend at Baylor who got sucked into this same Catholic philosophy major monarchist brainworm phase, but the difference is that he actually grew out of it.
You know, the divine right of kings to rule! Like The Founders Intended!
Cmon, she said “ideally” the lord. She’s open to compromise.
adrian vermeule, but leftishly* *not actually leftishly
while i’m getting mad: most people who support democracy think its indirect approach to justice is more likely to produce just outcomes? that’s been the entire thrust of the international postwar order? like even if you don’t agree it’s kind of hard to miss
she’s turning me into a Reddit atheist I can see it enveloping my skin like a symbiote
Well, you found the perfect gif for that.
Incidentally, lest anyone think this was some youthful foolishness from a simpler time, even though Breunig habitually deletes her tweets her interlocutor does not, so this can be dated to May of 2021, after Trump's entire term.
Must be very disappointed with Indian voters really.
It’s unbelievable to me that western media isn’t covering this more broadly. The elected prime minister of an entire republic out here claiming divine monarchy fml. Then again, Trump is here openly calling for a unified reich.
Modi Claims On ‘Divine’ Origins: From Not 'Born Biologically' to 'Earn Punya From Good Deeds I Do' Modi, starting from the special ‘divine’ energy he has claimed earlier, has steeply climbed the escalation ladder on ascribing divinity to himself.
Um no. I love my fellow citizens. My problem is a media ecosystem that whitewashes fascists.
The republic guards our freedoms. Perverts (tyrants) say its freedom to destroy the republic/s - its not. The priester/king was the sumerian monarch, the first kind of ruler, known mankind had - in linear time. Our only example today, of this, would be the Dalai Lama. Its unbelievable power.
In a republic there are no Lords. Its sophisticated thinking. Not for everybody. And its for everybody.
"god will pick the monarch": now there's a coherent, substantive account of justice
Its always worked out great for the average person every previous time, so I can see its appeal.
I wonder if any previous monarchs claimed they were picked by the Lord... Siri, please set a reminder for me to look that up, later, after my daily paint-huffing session
this is my first exposure to this woman and that's a hell of a first impression not a good one i have to add
The Atlantic Monthly pays her handsomely as a regular contributor! The New York goddamn Times used to as well!
What is going to happen is all of us philosophy professors will get together in a conclave and decide. I have my President name already picked out: President Suburban I.
You misspelled "Subbourbon."