
I'm trying to ignore my phone and email and only do lazy shitposts through tomorrow because this whole last week was balls and not in a good way
And no one who is doing this is on here (that I know of, lol) so don't worry, I'm not being passive-aggressive and no one is missing any hints
Oh and also I'm not in as dire shape as I sound. My grocery money is on its way, but in the way of such things is currently in the "payment processing" ether
Don't know the context, since you deleted, but my credit union got cyberattacked this week; I went to do online billpaying July 3rd and it told me that was down, and the cash machine wouldn't give me cash either. But I had enough for the farmer's market, and my credit cards don't go through the CU.
Complaining about colleagues trying to get me to do free work for them but I returned to it hours later and realized it came off way meaner than I had intended (this is happening a lot lately because my baseline is much angrier than it used to be) and deleted. But also, part of my ambient anxiety
is exactly that -- money woes are all-encompassing
Money can't buy happiness, but lack of money can buy you a whole lot of anxiety and extra stress.
Idk I've had money a couple times in my life and I would say it bought me quite a lot of happiness
Like when rich people tell me that money won't solve all my problems I just laugh. It's shocking how many exhausting and thorny problems just plain vanish when you toss money at them. They don't know shit
Literally every problem I currently have would be solved by money. Right down to being able to purchase a Supreme Court Justice.