
Safiya Umoja Noble
Safiya Umoja Noble
Writer, researcher, professor.
Cyril Blaecke
Cyril Blaecke
Tonton Cyber 🧑🏻‍🏫 | Expert numérique France 2030 🇫🇷 | Entrepreneur 👨🏻‍💻 | Numérique responsable 🌱 | Cybersécurité 🔐 | Cloud ☁️ | Ruby on Rails 💎 | 3,75t CO2eq / an d’après Nos Gestes Climat, né en 353 PPM 🌍
Jeffrey Vagle
Jeffrey Vagle
Law professor | Privacy, cybersecurity, technology ethics, national security | Veteran | There is music yet to play |
Gai 📚🇱🇷👨🏿‍💻🌍
Gai 📚🇱🇷👨🏿‍💻🌍
Pan-Africanism | Web Dev | InfoSec | Photography
he/him | reposts =/= endorsement | views do not represent my employer | ADHD af

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Buy my prints -
Hyo Yoon Kang 강효윤
Hyo Yoon Kang 강효윤
I write and teach critical intellectual property, theories, law & humanities & history of science in the UK university titanic. Mostly unserious here. Private account.
Juan Ramon Maqueda
Juan Ramon Maqueda
¡Hola! Estoy usando solo Bluesky.
🎓 Ingeniero Informático.
📧 E-mail: [email protected]
James Brandt
James Brandt
Managing editor Freelance academic editor.
LPE Blog
LPE Blog
A blog that explores the co-constitution of law and political economy. Part of the LPE Project. Subscribe to our newsletter:
Henry Farrell
Henry Farrell Now out with Abe Newman, Underground Empire: How America Weaponized the World Economy (Holt, Penguin 2023).
Jenni Olson
Jenni Olson
I'm @JenniOlsonSF everywhere | Senior Director, Social Media Safety at GLAAD. LGBTQ film expert & online pioneer. Maker of films. Proprietor:
jane chung
jane chung
"like a sinister teletubby"
Alix Dunn
Alix Dunn
I bloop about the politics of technology. Founder @ Computer Says Maybe (
Anna Lenhart
Anna Lenhart
Tech Policy (University of Maryland & George Washington). data scientist. anti-monopolist. consumer advocate. former hill staffer.
Center for Democracy & Technology
Center for Democracy & Technology
The Center for Democracy & Technology. Shaping technology policy and architecture, with a focus on equity and justice. for our EU-based team.
Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes
Bronx boy. Cubs fan. Dad, husband, writer, podcaster and cable news host.
Spencer Ackerman
Spencer Ackerman
Journalist & author of REIGN OF TERROR: HOW THE 9/11 ERA DESTABILIZED AMERICA & PRODUCED TRUMP, contributor to Zeteo, plus WALLER VS WILDSTORM for DC Comics. Subscribe to FOREVER WARS for ‘natsec’ journalism:
Stacy Mitchell
Stacy Mitchell
Working to change public policy, rollback corporate power, rebuild local communities. Co-Executive Director at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. Portland, Maine.
Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra
Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra
Sociologist at UC San Diego. Author of Automating Finance (2019) & The Quantified Scholar (2022) Director Latin American Studies (2023-25) and the International Institute (2024-26) at UC San Diego.
Arielle Cohen
Arielle Cohen
👋 genuinely sincere🐝 friend to bees 🌻 communications strategist. Once described as "fast-flowing” “garnet-haired woman” • skeets/tweet/typos are my own 💯 Philadelphia, PA •
Freedom of the Press Foundation
Freedom of the Press Foundation
Protecting and defending public interest journalism in the 21st century.

Subscribe to our newsletter at

Tonia Sutherland
Tonia Sutherland
thinker. writer. lover. scholar of archives, community, & technology @ ucla. island girl. hoper of hopes.
Eden Medina
Eden Medina
Historian of tech @MITPSTS @MIT. Author Cybernetic Revolutionaries. Co-curator Cómo diseñar una revolucón // How to Design a Revolution. #sci #tech #politics #history #data #design #LatinAmerica #humanrights. Views my own.
Merve Hickok
Merve Hickok
President @ Center for AI & Digital Policy; Lecturer @ Uni of Michigan School of Information
Working to defend human rights & democratic values.
spooky dylan
spooky dylan
research engineer @ the distributed AI research institute, west coast swing dancer, aspirational post-apocalyptic gardener 🏳️‍🌈

Frank Rieger
Frank Rieger
Mastodon / Fediverse: @[email protected]
Tech policy researcher at Stanford. Former litigator. Dum spiro spero. she/her
Wolfie Christl
Wolfie Christl
Public-interest researcher | Vienna, Austria | Tech and society. Tracking, surveillance, data economy, platform power, algorithmic decisions, datafication of work.
Rebecca Givan
Rebecca Givan
Work. Labor. Unions. Healthcare.
Alex Winter
Alex Winter
Filmmaker, actor, pre-Web shitposter. Trans Rights are Human Rights.
Elijah Waxwing
Elijah Waxwing
Radical Technologist working to create accountable infrastructure. Surveillance, Sociology, Digital Justice, Programming, Infosec. Formerly of,,
AI Now Institute
AI Now Institute
The AI Now Institute produces diagnosis and actionable policy research on artificial intelligence.

Find us at
Anke Domscheit-Berg
Anke Domscheit-Berg
Publizistin, Netzaktivistin u Bundestagsabgeordnete für DIE LINKE (digitalpolitische Sprecherin der Linksfraktion).
Weil digitale Revolution eine soziale Revolution braucht ❤️✊❤️!
Burcu Baykurt
Burcu Baykurt
media & technology studies at UMass Amherst |
Lorena Jaume-Palasí
Lorena Jaume-Palasí
Founder The Ethical Tech Society | AlgorithmWatch | IGF Academy I Advisory Board Member @EP_ScienceTech @[email protected] on Mastodon
Security person

📖 #Cybersecurity
Gretchen McCulloch
Gretchen McCulloch
Internet linguist. Wrote Because Internet, NYT bestseller about internet language. Co-hosts, a podcast that's enthusiastic about linguistics.

she/her 🌈
Montreal en/fr
Lori McGlinchey
Lori McGlinchey
Technology+Society - Ford Foundation

genug shoyn
Cats That Heal Your Depression
Cats That Heal Your Depression
Best account to heal your anxiety or depression🐱
Shannon Vallor
Shannon Vallor
Philosopher/AI Ethicist at the University of Edinburgh, BRAID co-Director, author of Technology and the Virtues (2016) and The AI Mirror (2024). Views my own.
Chris Morten
Chris Morten
Associate clinical professor at Columbia Law. Director of CLS's Science, Health & Information Clinic (SHIC) ( He/him.
Brently Heilbron
Brently Heilbron
Song and dance man
Joshua Loftus
Joshua Loftus
Prof. of #Statistics, #machinelearning / ethics for #datascience @LSE. Unschooled to community college to PhD @Stanford

Technology, institutions, and ideas should serve people, but much of humanity is stuck with this upside-down.
Lauren Wilcox
Lauren Wilcox
Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Director of @Cambridgegender. She/her. Should be writing.
m. r. sauter
m. r. sauter

prof/info studies/umd

book on why vc was a bad idea the whole time forthcoming from University of Chicago Press in 2024

art at

Gautam Premnath
Gautam Premnath
Hello again, fellow nerds.

Mistress Matisse
Mistress Matisse
Perverse prolific profane political pansexual polyamorous dominatrix and writer. Sex work is work. Yes, it’s really me.
Serife (Sherry) Wong
Serife (Sherry) Wong
Artist in AI governance and audits, Icarus Salon
Surya Mattu
Surya Mattu
Co-Founder & Lead, Digital Witness Lab @Princeton's Center for Information Tech Policy.

Knight Wallace Fellow 21-22 Fellow
Investigative Data Journalist@
The Markup
Gizmodo's Special Projects Desk
💻 🕵