
Trump is a uniquely weak candidate: he has felony convictions, innumerable scandals, a bad and recent track record of governance, and what’s uniformly recognized as an odious, repugnant character. But he has something Biden doesn’t: the ability to campaign.
This debate was a disastrous opening performance for Biden | Moira It is vital to America that Democrats beat Trump. In the first presidential debate, Biden did not always seem like someone who can
I disagree. Biden had a bad night but is campaigning very well and has a huge ground operation going. #ReelectPresidentBiden
Gavin Newsom would have destroyed trump in last night’s debate. That’s what was needed. Instead Biden whispered and mumbled facts that were barely legible and let a lying bully effectively kick sand in his face
“Can’t win?” Based on a debate that will move exactly zero votes in November? Huge over-reaction that will not age well.
Don’t be fucking stupid. Of course he can win, and probably will.
He’s what we’ve got. So we have to do what we can to ensure he does win. He can. He has to.
Ignore the last four years and just concentrate on one debate performance. Good one.
that was a powerful, sobering read
As a non-American, looking at the situation from the outside, I am thinking that when the official nominee has not yet been selected by the DNC, why on earth would it not be possible to consider other potential candidates?
I'm American and I think lots of liberals have a backwards conception of voting. Instead of politicians providing a platform to voters to win their vote - voters are expected to vote for corporatist democrats who have enormous war chests of cash. The amount of $$$ in American politics is insane.
Sanders: AIPAC’s Triumph Over Bowman Shows Need to Overturn “Citizens United” “Big Money buys politicians who will do their bidding, and the results are clear,” the senator said.
Good column. This was a widely watched debate. A few independent voters I know tuned in the hopes that the word about Biden being too old would prove wrong. In their eyes he only has to do OK. He didn't and now they are resigned and depressed. They may not vote in November.