
Credit where credit is due: this is one of Biden’s best defenses.
“I don’t care what millionaires think” was his line this morning on MSNBC.
it’s a great line because it also hits guys like Lloyd Doggett, Mark Warner, and Dean Phillips
So, who besides middle aged white guys feeling their own mortality and relevance slipping away, was in favor of dumping Biden?
I would have preferred them not to take a week and a half to get to this talking point and start unifying around it, but I’m glad they got there.
Congressional Progressive caucus has been out with the pro Biden message today.
Maxine Waters was out there too if you saw her
I don't need political messages. I need medical facts from credentialed physicians. If he is given a clean bill of mental and physical health, we can all forget the indications from the debate and move forward. If he's as he says he is, it would benefit him. What holding him up?
Nothing - these have been released
Would you at least like to correct your post containing false information?
he gets a neurological exam yearly.
It’s basically what he was saying on morning Joe. Harping on the “elites want me out” is a good angle, tbh
Bernie has always been great. His “bros” in 2016 sucked really really hard and he’s made some genuinely awful staffing decisions but the man himself is pragmatic and a loyal democrat
He's always had Biden's back. I appreciate that.
The thing that drew me to Bernie is that he is focused first and foremost on just getting shit done, and is basically incapable of being distracted from that. It's rare and it's great.
He's democrat but not a Democrat. He's a Democratic Socialist who caucuses with the Democrats. Heh.
eh the “bros” were always a weird ass trope made by left punching freaks that responded to getting clowned on with apoplexy
As soon as you talk about donors and anything involving a number, Bernie will appear with his finger ready to wag
as should more politicians.
He gives it better than Biden.
Except that ordinary voters have been the most skeptical:
Do polls even matter when all they do now is sow division and chaos? The way I see it, the results may likely change if Biden and Democratic voters stick to raising voter turnout while ignoring the far rights attempts to divide them further.
Polls are snapshots of public opinion. Yes, estimates have both statistical uncertainty and other forms of uncertainty, like modeling assumptions about turnout that may be incorrect. Averages of multiple polls help. Wholesale rejection of polls, however, is not much different than rejecting science.
Biased polls are everywhere. There are a slew of biased polls out there. The NYT is biased. They just published hundreds of articles about how Biden should step down (Trump is apparently fine, though).
The NYT is wildly biased against Biden & for Trump. Polls are easy to manipulate, conduct poorly and with bias. I don’t trust the NYT to speak for, or know how to reach, ordinary voters.
Yes, anything can be done poorly. Based on methodology, past performance and other metrics, the NYT polls are highly regarded. Conversely, dismissing evidence we find inconsistent with our worldview is generally just a form of motivated reasoning.
Pollster FiveThirtyEight’s pollster ratings are calculated by analyzing the historical accuracy and methodology of each firm’s polls.
Yes, their lazy biased reporting culminating in ‘Biden’s Parkinson’s’ has motivated me to doubt their ability to play it straight & get it right.
It’s not just NYT. For example, someone tweeted this to me the day after the debate with no prompting about illness. I’ve heard similar comments from neurologists. Obviously none of these people have diagnosed Biden directly but there does appear to be reason for legitimate concern.
Do you think Biden, KJP his press sec & his medical team are all lying to the press (they sent written medical info out)? The right wing blogosphere have been going at it w this - but thats all speculation & rumor. That’s where the NYT ‘sourced’ their story, which turned out to be false.
Bernie had that heart attack in 2019 and the NY Times made a big deal about why his team didn’t disclose it for three days. Yet here he is speaking strong as ever, on behalf of Biden no less.
I thought him saying “challenge me at the convention” was a little bit of the spice he needed
Bernie: Biden's Bulldog.
He doesn't mince words. Bernie is tha man.
all the recent polls show the obvious: none of the replacements floated do any better than biden. and we don’t even know how they’d do the job.
It does seem like AOC & the Congressional Black Caucus are leaning pro-Biden to wrest power away from the high-dollar donors.
Biden cannot win. It's hilarious you clowns are pushing for this genocidal octogenarian with brain damage to stay in the race
You mean these two guys don't get to decide?
Yeah, but Bernie got the tense right: that may be (I'm not even sure) what American democracy *was* supposed to be about, but it has not been about it at least for decades. Or, OK, at least since Citizens United.