
Scholars' Lab
Scholars' Lab
UVA's Library research center+community lab for practicing experimental scholarship in all fields, informed by digital humanities, spatial tech, & cultural heritage data approaches
💜 🏳️‍🌈 People > projects.
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Stephen Gregg
Stephen Gregg
Academic: 18thC literature, book history, critical digitization. Bath, UK.
Camilla Holm Soelseth
Camilla Holm Soelseth
Kulturingeniør, jungeltelegrafist, medieøkolog og (digital) humaniora-entusiast. Gift med @sortulv. Logistikk, poetikk, estetikk, vedlikehold.

Researcher and Destroyer in the (digital) humanities. Lover of infrastructure
Data/Culture Project
Building sustainable communities around tools & data in the humanities and arts.
Allison Portnow Lathrop
Allison Portnow Lathrop
Head of Public Programs at Ackland Art Museum | UNC musicology PhD (Einstein & modernism) | Double Bass/Gamba | Chaotic Little Kid Mom | MBC lifer | Food and flower garden-obsessed | she/her |
Charlotte Connelly
Charlotte Connelly
Head Curator at the National Science and Media Museum. Historian of science and technology. Nerdy about media tech, the history of electricity, the polar regions and the history of exploration #histsci #histtech #museums 📜
will pooley
will pooley
historian of witchcraft, folklore, tarot, france-ish, 18-20th c.
creative historical methods
ass. ed. French History
(profile pic - the magician moorys, 1909)
Glen Robson
Glen Robson
IIIF Technical Coordinator and part time smallholder
Keystone DH
Keystone DH
Bluesky account for the Keystone Digital Humanities organization at
Julie Beck
Julie Beck
staff writer at The Atlantic / writing book: THE FRIENDS WE MADE ALONG THE WAY / creator of The Friendship Files / newsletter:
Music educator, singer, ISFJ, Chicago sports fan. She/her.
I was/am enystedt and MsNystedtMusic on the bird app.
Katie Bank
Katie Bank
music + art in early modern England | Leverhulme Trust ECF | fa la la | | ye olde pineapples | | she/her
I am a learner and practitioner.

Uplifting souls and rewiring realities through words✨🫶🏿
Thayne Carson
Thayne Carson
Jajwalya Karajgikar
Jajwalya Karajgikar
Applied Data Science Librarian+Multilingual Digital Humanist+Computational Community Building+++
Takes classes for fun. Gushes about cool papers. Views my own.
Nicky Agate
Nicky Agate
Associate Dean at CMU Libraries | Co-PI HuMetricsHSS | Partner & mama to a pair of whip-smart eejits | Explorer of literary geographies | Lover of bicycles, books, and beasts | Norn Irish and Gen X

#nobridge #nobot
Ben Brumfield
Ben Brumfield
Open Source #DigitalHumanities software engineer.
Founder of, a platform for collaborative #manuscript #transcription to engage the public in #archives and create digital scholarly editions.
Gabriel Hankins
Gabriel Hankins
Modernist studies, digital critique, psychoanalysis, horror, literary color. Asheville / Clemson. Literary and Cultural Studies feed here: (like it to be added)
Patricia Wallinga, famous MiG insulter
Patricia Wallinga, famous MiG insulter
Composer: not tonal, not atonal, but a secret third thing. Posts about music, D&D, and loads of other nonsense | she/her | midwesterner in 🌉
José Murilo
José Murilo
Brazilian public policy specialist focused on digital technology and the internet.
@Brazilian Institute for Museums - Ibram
A citizen of the Fediverse (@[email protected])
Mike Young
Mike Young
I do social media workshops for scientists, and like talking about #philosophy and #history when I am off duty! Ex-University Post editor in Copenhagen.
Lasse Hjorth Madsen
Lasse Hjorth Madsen
Data scientist, data journalist, I like all things related to science, programming, discussions, societies, writing. Danish webpage with samples of work:
Evil Jim O’Donnell
Evil Jim O’Donnell
Research software engineer. Comics lover. Accessibility enthusiast.
Zach Levonian
Zach Levonian
Human-computer interaction researcher. PhD from University of Minnesota. Tacoma, WA. Mastodon: [email protected]
Simone J. Skeen 💭
Simone J. Skeen 💭
Tracing the collisions of systems and psyches | gender trash | biopsychosociotechnical sciences, HIV and critical suicidology | PhD student @ Tulane |
Delia Byrnes
Delia Byrnes
Assistant Professor | Environmental Science & Sustainability @Allegheny College. English PhD. Environmental humanities & climate justice. She/her.
Clayton Anderson
Clayton Anderson
I'm a good and honest man who love meeting new people and making new friends 💯✅✅✅
Sara Simon
Sara Simon
grad student in history & science studies • former newsroom software engineer & data journalist • she/her
The Australasian Association for Digital Humanities Inc (aaDH): A research community strengthening digital humanities research in Australia & Aotearoa (New Zealand) |
Outreach Program Manager for the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) at Florida International University Libraries. PhD student in History. Loves all things Latin America and Caribbean, Archives, Cold War, and Miami 🇨🇺🌴
Alison Harvey 🏳️‍🌈
Alison Harvey 🏳️‍🌈
Doing digital things with rare books and archives at Cardiff University Special Collections and Archives. Digitisation, IIIF, metadata, minimal computing, digital humanities. Either up a mountain, bookbinding, or playing Diablo 4.
Tyne Daile Sumner
Tyne Daile Sumner
ARC Research Fellow at The Australian National University: literary studies | digital humanities | surveillance | President of the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities: | current project: | everything else:
aspiring astronomer 🌟
James Tauber
James Tauber
Using computers to better understand languages, texts, and music.

Python and Web Developer, Corpus Linguist, Data Scientist, Philologist, Music Theorist, Composer, Tolkien Scholar.

Signum & Perseus. Greek Learner Texts Project & Digital Tolkien Project
emily esten
emily esten
digital scholarship, public humanities, museums, theatre. probably listening to the mountain goats. pic by Audrey Estok.
Dylan Ruediger (he/him)
Dylan Ruediger (he/him)
Senior Program Manager for the Research Enterprise at Ithaka S+R. History PhD, Oregonian at heart, mediocre guitar player and aspiring luthier. Opinions my own. Graduate of Hampshire College and Georgia State University.
Perry Collins
Perry Collins
Grantmaker, librarian, new mom, living in Gainesville, FL. Digital humanities, grants, copyright, library publishing, reproductive health, paper and fiber crafts.
Stuart Dunn
Stuart Dunn
Head of Humanities and Professor of Spatial Humanities, King's College London.
Anastasia Salter
Anastasia Salter
Professor of English and Director of Texts & Technology at UCF. Author most recently of Playful Pedagogy in the Pandemic & Twining.
The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) preserves and makes accessible the world’s largest collection of digital and analog resources for the study of manuscripts. Learn more:
🖥️terminal boredom 💾📀
🖥️terminal boredom 💾📀
digital detritus connoisseur, professional flotsam and jetsam specialist. she/her
Archivist, IR overlord, and doer of ALL THE THINGS. When I'm not sidetracked by books, knitting, chain maille, etc. Opinions my own.

acespec arospec
In the Library with the Lead Pipe
In the Library with the Lead Pipe
Open access, open peer reviewed journal on all things librar*, established in 2008. New articles are published in batches. There are no Article Processing Charges or any other charges associated with publishing.
Open-source web publishing platforms for sharing digital collections and creating media-rich online exhibits.
Sarah Ames
Sarah Ames
Digital Scholarship Librarian, National Library of Scotland, she/her