🚗car downloader🚗

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🚗car downloader🚗


Cloudy with a chance of dial tone
Incident response enthusiast
Disaster Recovery expert but mostly the ones I cause
what if you were secretly sent here from the future to change the tide of history and you just doomscrolled and shitposted through it instead
Just at the most basic level it is really unhealthy to have to thought about Donald Trump as much as everyone in America has over the last nine or so years. Spending a decade of my life thinking about a super boring, super shitty crook and all the bad stuff he's doing or might do. It's embarrassing.
so the only way to save democracy is to vote for the corpse from weekend at bernie's? even hollywood could not make this shit up
Listen I’m gonna need someone in the DNC to lock Carville in a broom closet for the next four months, this southern fried foreskin hasn’t won an election since 9/11.
They're so worried about how we'd handle UFO disclosure but weekly tell us things like "everyone's already permanently poisoned, also there's Legos in your dick" and expect us to go right back to work
is throwing your lunch against the wall an official or unofficial act?
it feels like the whiteness of big political media spaces right now is having a big effect on how people are thinking about the debate. eg I have seen relatively little discussion of trump's "black jobs" comment, which immediately exploded on black twitter
starting to think that choosing leaders based on who can lie most effectively to the greatest number of people is a bad system
Today’s Snyder decision almost a cartoon caricature of a corrupt court.
So many “tradwife” trend pieces just seem so wholly unaware of how much of it is fetish content, it’d be like if there was a Wirecutter piece on the dangers of getting stuck in washing machines
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
Josh Hawley: i'm going to punch 100 kittens in the throat AOC: what the hell, we shouldn't be punching *any* kittens (Manchin and Romney co-sponsor the Punch 50 Kittens in the Throat Act of 2024) op-ed columnist: finally, reasonable compromise
Right, this is a good illustrator of the way Beltway narratives tend to conflate “the middle” with “moderation”
a lot more presidents and/or billionaires should be in prison, but this seems like a fair place to start
getting sentenced to 7.5 years in prison and immediately logging on to argue with @​tittyrespecter about your charges is peak poster there's no topping this
I hate that little plastic window on spaghetti boxes. I don't need to have a little peek at the noodles I'm not a pervert
Google, 1998: We're going to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Imagine the whole world's knowledge in your pocket! Google 2024: Drink your own piss. Now eat glue.
Step 1: Flood the economy with money. Step 2: Incentivize workers to forge their own chains. Step 3: Grab the chains and tighten them. Step 4: Declare the money worthless now that you have everyone by the chains. (We're in Step 2 right now.)
“The revised edition of the book will clarify that standing up to Kim Jung Un was a metaphor for stepping on a baby duck.”
Narrator: There was a little going back.
your choices this election are: a) a man who often forgets his wife's name b) another man who often forgets his wife's name but also thinks the constitution gives him license to kill his political opponents or maybe his vice president
I don’t usually talk this way, but: The threat perceptions of the US security state are seriously out of whack. Armed right wing intimidation mobs? Eh, what can you do? 30 students with kaffiyehs and tents? Full battle rattle.
why don't i have more followers? is it because my posts suck? no, the children must be wrong
psst trump's new name is "straight kefka"
New experience: someone spoofed an email from my firm to a judge in a case in a gambit to attack and undermine our client. It didn’t work. Now I’m going to track them down and shake up their life like a box of cat treats.
approximately half of america thinks its a reasonable option to pick the guy that says he is legally allowed, practically obligated really, to murder his political rivals between this and the cops, i think its safe to say that this democracy experiment is dead
the utter cowardice of most american politicians will be the death of us all
Elite private colleges are actually hedge funds that sometimes educate students.
cops' jobs are not to stop crime or protect citizens, they're to stop dissent