
Avatar NEW: Rep Joe Morelle (D-NY) “I will introduce a constitutional amendment to reverse SCOTUS’ harmful decision and ensure that no president is above the law. This amendment will do what SCOTUS failed to do—prioritize our democracy”
That won't work. They MUST pack the court when/if they can.
This is how you build popular support for expanding the court. You do everything possible keep the issue alive. You don't just say "that won't work" about messaging bills. Because you can easily say the same thing about packing the court right now.
> build popular support Our house is on fire. They need to act like it. And they need to tell the public that they are in danger - over an over and over again because Americans only remember something if it's like an ad. Doing an end run around the 6 GOP justices won't work. They won't allow it.
If you're a representative, this *is* how you act like it. You put forward amendments. You move to impeach justices. No, it won't pass, but it gets press. It's a tool that says this is worth attention, worth fighting for. Republicans understand this. It's one reason they'e beating us.
> You move to impeach justices. Erm... The dems have refused to DO anything. What is this "move" that you speak of? I sincerely want to know.
AOC said she'd file articles of impeachment against the corrupt justices when the House is back in session. "but it won't work!" Messaging is part of the work. We should encourage our reps to keep working.
The dems need to say what they will do when in power and then do it. The time for messaging & polling & focus groups & committees & all that crap is long past. Our house is on fire. > AOC said I'm no expert on the House but isn't it a big bigger than half a dozen people?
The dems in the house are not in power. what is it you think they should be doing, exactly.
How exactly would you expand the Court, which requires the House, instead of passing a constitutional amendment, which requires the House?
Damn it - mea culpa. I must have forgotten the ALL IMPORTANT "when/if" and—. Wait a minute! There it is! > They MUST pack the court when/if they can. I feel a migraine coming on and I already tried hard to prevent it.
You can also expand the court with an amendment. You could also erase the court as it is and make it a one justice per federal circuit per case brought before it, done by random lottery.
We already have a constitutional they utterly ignore. We can do it and probably should, but the court as is will not recognize it, just like they do not recognize any laws they disagree with. We can not win on a fight of laws with completely lawless people. They have to go. That's it.
Amen. Got to push push push push push like the Federalists did for 50 years.