
Tories call passing Rwanda Bill a “landmark moment”. Yes A “landmark moment” of constitutional thuggery. A “landmark moment” of govt extremism, financial idiocy and vicious inhumanity. A “landmark moment” of international irresponsibility and national disgrace. Shame on them all. Forever.
I couldn't put it better myself. Thank you. Have written to my MP saying the exact same. Feel so ashamed of my country
And those that voted for them.
But to be fair to voters it wasn't in their manifesto. They made up this particular "will of the people" themselves and then their newspaper mates persuaded a noisy minority that it was what they voted for. What they actually promised their voters:
True, but it was also pretty obvious that, as a party, they were reprehensible far right zealots, the party of Brexit and the ‘hostile environment’. If you elect a scorpion, you can’t complain if it stings you, and then profess not to know its nature.
The oven ready lie swung it for them. Ironically for many it was a vote to stop the divisiveness. The minority they're appeasing with these reprehensible moves won't feel stung nor care about setting precedents threatening our rights; their sense of innate privilege assures it'll never affect them.