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Here are those ideas. For each concept, I called out the specific articles each idea addresses, how it addresses the specified articles, what the features are, and what I see as a defensible moat. If you are a founder already working on one of these, let us know open.substack.com/pub/silicons...
The List: 41 Product Ideas From the EU AI Actopen.substack.com The EU AI Act is an Opportunity for Innovation in Responsible, Safe and Green AI
The EU AI Act, a comprehensive regulatory framework, presents a unique opportunity for startups to innovate within the AI sector. At 1Infinity Ventures, we view this as a gold mine of startup ideas. open.substack.com/pub/silicons...
The EU AI Act Is a Gold Mine of Startup Ideasopen.substack.com I Came Up With 41 Product Ideas After Studying the AI Act
Our latest Silicon Sands News post explores the critical challenge of catastrophic forgetting in AI. Learn about cutting-edge solutions & the role of venture capital in driving these innovations. Must-read for tech enthusiasts, senior execs, and VCs! siliconsandstudio.substack.com/p/catastroph...
Catastrophic Forgetting in Large Pre-trained Modelssiliconsandstudio.substack.com A Critical Challenge in AI
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