
I think it's cool that Electron is so common for multi-platform development because it appears to absolutely suck shit on Windows.
the thing people dont understand about multiplatform computing is that, in spite of its nigh-universal proliferation in the home market, windows is still the odd duck out in terms of how it's structured
like, everything else is either a UNIX clone, a UNIX descendant, or is designed to be compatible with UNIX-esque systems, but windows has absolutely no UNIX blood in it and has actively refused to implement better support for other systems.
The reason why the hosts file in Windows is located in a weird place and called "hosts" is a UNIX compatibility compromise. It also accepts forward slash as a directory separator. Windows NT was POSIX compatible at one point as well.
Woah, I never actually knew that about NT being POSIX. Fair point!
You're absolutely right that Windows is the odd duck out though, and it's annoying. Especially the \r\n newline causes some...frustration.