
The thing I can't stop thinking about is this: I'm 48, and in my adult lifetime there has been one Republican who won the popular vote. But I will probably spend the rest of my life under the authority of a Supreme Court dominated by hard right conservatives. How is that democracy?
I know we have a counter majoritarian system. I am familiar with the constitution and our history. I know why this is technically possible. I am asking whether it is tenable to keep thinking of our country as a democracy when it works out like this.
Senate situation is going to only get worse. With rural states furthering losing ground population, the counter majoritarian problem will only get worse.
Love that red states literally have an incentive to drive away young people so Republicans can maintain control, definitely not worrying!
If the Dems uncapped the House prior to the 2022 midterms, wouldn't have this problem. California should not be losing a Rep while gaining 18M in population since the 2010 census. This would have immediately changed the EC math as well. Pretty much guaranteeing a Dem Pres and House for 20 years.