
We’re certainly NOT going to get shot by these rat bastards. It cracks me up how they’re so deep in their weird little silos that they think they are the majority in America. Has he never been to a big city before????
The reason they’re inciting violence is exactly because they’re the minority. They are going to make this bloody if Trump gets back into office. Nobody should have any doubts about that after everything that has happened.
There MIGHT be violence from Trumpers either way, win or lose. If they can find their way to an actual city, that is. Remember their trucker caravan that was going to shut down DC?? Yeah. They talk real shit. 🙄 January 6th didn’t succeed, either, did it.
I get that, and it is a factor. They also don't appear to learn from their mistakes very well, either. But anyone can get lucky, so it's good to be prepared -- even though life experience has taught me the following truth...
That meme is the absolute truth.
In addition to this, the classic old spaghetti western "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" had a line that explains it more succinctly. People who have power don't need to threaten you with it... That's just bluster.
Come and knock on my door, I've been waiting for you... 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah, these right wing fools assume WAY too much. 😉