
Fascism scholars spent years telling us how Trump didn't really match Fascist ideology from the '30s, but I dunno man, it feels pretty on the nose to me??
This from gets to the heart of the ideological juncture we’re at: MAGA voters identify with Trump as the embodiment of their collective, arbitrary will. The presidency has always carried this risk, but it’s reached its apogee today.
Really? I'm not a scholar, but he seemed to be a very close match to Umberto Eco's Ur Fascism article, more so than Hitler, for example.
Yeah, my impression from historians was if they were saying Trump was not really like 1930s Hitler, it was simply to point out he was more like 1920s Mussolini.
"Don't be silly! Trump isn't like that genocidal psychopathic narcissistic German dictator! He's like that *Italian* genocidal psychopathic narcissistic dictator! Clearly he's not a fascist!" *Patronizing chuckles while being packed into a train car*
I mean, Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin were all different, but that doesn't mean good.
The best thing any of those men did for the world was the absolutely last thing any of them did. Benito even did it upside-down to add a flourish.